Kitchen Angels provides free, nutritious meals to our homebound neighbors facing life-challenging conditions.

Founded in 1992
Kitchen Angels serves residents of Santa Fe and other Northern New Mexico communities who are homebound, experiencing a health crisis, lack the resources for regular meals, and are ineligible for other local meal services.
No one in our community who is homebound because of a chronic, surgery-related, or terminal medical condition should ever go without appropriate nutrition. Making sure those in need have enough to eat is simply the right thing to do.
Our Mission
The Kitchen Angels mission is to provide free, nutritious meals to our homebound neighbors facing life-challenging conditions.
We formulate meals carefully to meet individual needs, serving healthy, fresh, and, when possible, locally sourced food to our clients. Hot meals are delivered five days a week and frozen meals are available for the weekends.
We keep our operating costs low by having only seven full-time paid staff persons and rely on a dedicated army of over 350 volunteers to cook, package, and deliver meals to our clients.
In addition to meals, our volunteers provide a friendly face, a kind word, and encouragement to homebound individuals who may be isolated, alone, and without social support.