Sallie’s Flowers for Clients

Sallie donates fresh flowers to our clients because she believes everyone should have access to flowers. Her blossom bouquets bring big smiles to our clients and inspires them to write poems about just that…flowers. Sallie Hoefer is the owner of Soul Friend Flowers in Santa Fe. Client Poem Delivery Driver brought me flowers today cut […]

Sallie donates fresh flowers to our clients because she believes everyone should have access to flowers. Her blossom bouquets bring big smiles to our clients and inspires them to write poems about just that…flowers. Sallie Hoefer is the owner of Soul Friend Flowers in Santa Fe.

Client Poem

Delivery Driver brought me flowers today cut freshly from a thoughtful woman’s garden.  
So much different from hothouse flowers which have never endured the challenges of the earth or time; having grown up in a controlled secure environment their stems are straight. 

Flowers grown in the garden are elegant and wild as they have weathered the storms of life.
Wind and rain have sculpted them into individual beauties twisting their stems and bowing their heads
as they reach for the sunlight in reverence and gratitude for all they have received.

The wild, who have found their way in this world, intertwine around each other in the vase like a dance enveloping life. 
Having overcome much they have a grace unknown to those never challenged their wild and untamed beauty intoxicate my senses and possesses my soul.